By Jess Dvorak, Athletics Coordinator
One of my absolute favorite things about Capital Camps is the wide variety of sports we have to offer for all of the campers – soccer, basketball, tennis, Zumba, volleyball, archery, pickleball, and 9 Square in the Air. You name it, we offer it!
Each week, campers in Yalla and Benjamin have the chance to participate in some of the different sports we offer at camp. Our campers in Reich, Kaufmann and Macks Villages choose which sports rotations to participate in, while our younger campers attend each sport as a cabin. The self-selection for our 6th-10th graders help to guide them through creating a more independent camp experience.
Through each of these activities, our campers are developing physical skills, making new friends, taking on challenges outside of their comfort zones and daily routines, and learning the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Teamwork opportunities can provide transferrable skills related to trust, working together, supporting (and being supported by) peers, and problem solving with others. These skills will travel home with your children after camp and allow them to build communication and leadership skills, whether in school or other extracurricular activities. These refined skills allow our campers to view situations through different perspectives and outlooks.
Sports are so much more than exercise and a fun thing to watch on your TV – they truly allow our kids to bring out their best self and explore themselves and their skills in ways they don’t get to do anywhere else. I have truly enjoyed watching your campers experience success, downfalls, challenges, and connection through their sports blocks!