Fun at Camp
Capital Camps is all about providing children a fun, safe, experience. We utilizes the best practices of informal Jewish education to strengthen identity, to instill values and to build community. Every summer, children and staff create a community that touches hearts, souls and minds. Village life is where friendships are formed and individuals become a “cabin family”. We are proud of our sports, arts, aquatics, and outdoor adventure, nature and farm programs. The combinations of typical days and special programs equal a fun packed summer experience!
Campers entering grades two through ten live in one of five villages according to their school for the coming year. Yalla Village is for first time campers coming for shorter sessions. Benjamin and Reich villages house their own gaga court and tetherball. Kaufmann campers hang hammocks and have their own fire pit. Macks Village sits next to a serene stream and campers live in six person tents which is a highlight of their camper experience. Yalla Village: Grades 2-4 (first time camper experience) | Benjamin Village: Grades 3-5 | Reich Village: Grades 6-7 | Kaufmann Village: Grades 8-9 | Macks Village: Grade 10
Leadership Programs
Leadership Programs
We also provide a fun, engaging selective leadership training experience to teens in rising Grades 11 and 12:
Leaders-in-Training (LIT) – Grade 11, 5 week program &
Counselors-in-Training (CIT) – Grade 12, 7 week program.
Click Here to Learn More
Some campers strive to be great athletes, others are equally excited with a recreational approach. For some, athletics are simply not on their radar screen. Because we believe physical activities are important to the well-being of every child. Our sports program includes archery, tennis, basketball, flag football, frisbee, street hockey, lacrosse, soccer, baseball and volleyball.
At our state-of-the art aquatics center (Braycha) and lake (Agam), health and safety are our #1 priority. All of our life-guards are American Red Cross certified and our Aquatics Director is Water Safety Instructor certified. All campers have the opportunity to enjoy the aquatics center or lake on a daily basis as well as additional pool or lake time during chugim (camper electives). In addition to instructional and free swim at the pool, we have two water slides, a diving board and dump-buckets to enjoy. All lake participants wear safety vests at all times. Campers learn still water canoe and kayak skills and can also enjoy stand-up paddle boards and four-person paddle boats. Our giant inflatable water toys are an ever-popular aspect of our lake. For example, campers can climb a 15 ft tall ‘iceberg’, bounce on a floating trampoline or be propelled into mid-air via “the blob”!
Visual & Performing Arts
Visual & Performing Arts
Our arts program includes drawing, painting, ceramics, theatre, singing (shira) and dance. As campers mature, they have the opportunity to concentrate on those areas of most interest to them. All campers can participate in our end of session camp show as stage performers, set artists or backstage logistics.
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure
Quality adventure programs foster confidence, self-esteem and trust in one’s peers. Our “challenge by choice” approach applies to all segments of our adventure program. To foster positive cabin dynamics, each group spends time at the Low Ropes Course (LRC), for a series of problem-solving experiences that physically and mentally challenge teams to execute a plan cooperatively. The High Ropes Course (HRC) consists of separate challenges which vary in height and complexity. The HRC challenges participants to expand their comfort zone and overcome fear while simultaneously receiving peer encouragement.
Farm & Nature (Teva)
Farm & Nature (Teva)
The Solot Family Farm is the ideal place to gain a better understanding and respect for the natural world. While taking care of the chickens, goats, sheep and tending to the garden, we engage campers in a curriculum about Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), introduce aspects of Israeli culture and reinforce us to be responsible stewards of the earth.
Sample Daily Schedule
Sample Daily Schedule
7:45 Boker Tov (Good Morning!)
8:30 B'Yachad (Flag Raising)
8:45 Aruchat Boker (Breakfast)
9:30 Sports
10:30 Nikayon (Cabin Clean Up)
11:30 Chug (Camp Wide Elective)
12:30 Aruchat Tzoharayim (Lunch)
1:15 Menucha (Rest Hour)
2:15 Visual/Performing Arts
3:00 Village Activity
4:00 Chatif (Snack)
4:25 Aquatics (Pool or Lake)
5:25 Shower Hour
6:30 Aruchat Erev (Dinner)
7:30 Evening Program
8:30 Cabin Time & Laila Tov (Benjamin/Reich)
9:00 Cabin Time & Laila Tov (Kaufmann/Macks)
8:30 B'Yachad (Flag Raising)
8:45 Aruchat Boker (Breakfast)
9:30 Sports
10:30 Nikayon (Cabin Clean Up)
11:30 Chug (Camp Wide Elective)
12:30 Aruchat Tzoharayim (Lunch)
1:15 Menucha (Rest Hour)
2:15 Visual/Performing Arts
3:00 Village Activity
4:00 Chatif (Snack)
4:25 Aquatics (Pool or Lake)
5:25 Shower Hour
6:30 Aruchat Erev (Dinner)
7:30 Evening Program
8:30 Cabin Time & Laila Tov (Benjamin/Reich)
9:00 Cabin Time & Laila Tov (Kaufmann/Macks)
Special Days
Special Days
Several times during a session, we pause in our daily activities and immerse ourselves in special days. These days capture the imagination and hearts of campers and staff and allow us to experience the spirit (ruach) that can only be found at Jewish summer camp. Examples include Maccabiah (color war), Sing, Banquet, Israel Day, and Carnival.
Shabbat Schedule
Shabbat Schedule
On Friday afternoon our most anticipated special day of the week begins – Shabbat. Each week, a different camper village leads our community in worship- prayer, song, dance, and creative writings. Following services, we enjoy a traditional Shabbat dinner complete with fresh challah, made by our Benjamin Village campers. The evening is full of ruach (spirit) in the form of singing and dancing. Saturdays at camp have a tone and tempo marking that this day is different from the rest of the week. Breakfast is served later than normal, followed by our “Shabboptions”, a chance for campers to explore aspects of their own Jewish journey, with the entire camp coming together for a music filled services. From food to afternoon program choices, it is a different day. In the evening, the entire camp gathers together for Havdalah, the service at the end of Shabbat, joining together in song to close out another wonderful camp Shabbat experience.