By Ellie Spector, Aquatics Director
Camp has always been a place to try something new. Whether we are welcoming new friends in our cabins, trying new foods, or learning new traditions, every day is an opportunity for growth. This year we are trying something both old and new at the pool: bringing back swim groups for Benjamin Village and Reich Village. Our dedicated team of lifeguards work hard to plan creative, fun pool games that teach campers stroke development and comfort with the water.
The sounds of kicking with kickboards and cheering on relay teams from the pool deck can be heard across camp. Our Benjamin campers have affectionately referred to the barbells as “pool lollipops.” Our campers especially enjoy seeing their counselors get in the water and join in on the fun.
Of course, there is still plenty of free swim and the purple and green slides are the usual highlight. Campers can also be seen trying new tricks off the diving board and starting a game of water polo against their counselors.
Down at the lake, the lake toys are the star of the show. Campers excitedly swim out into the water ready to try their first Iceberg of the summer or race a friend to top of the Wibit. I watched proudly from the beach as a counselor assisted her campers in climbing up the “pavilion” lake toy, pulling her cabin up so they could all enjoy the experience together. The other day one of our Yalla campers reached out a hand to swim with his buddy to the trampoline so they could both jump together. There’s nothing better than having fun in the lake with your new best friends.
Aquatics has always been one of my favorite activities at camp. While it’s nice to cool off on a hot day, these moments of teamwork and joy are what make camp so special. I am so excited to continue to see all the wonderful ways our campers will enjoy the pool and lake this summer.