Parshat Vayakhel

In this week’s parashaVayakhel, Moses gathers the Israelites to provide the Sabbath commandments: to rest, abstain from work, and to kindle no fire. A surprisingly short list, considering the many modern adaptations of these rules.

What is decidedly not a short list, however, is what comes next from Moses: an impressively large list of dimensions, instructions, and specifications for the construction of the Tabernacle – the holy space which the Israelites built and carried with them on their wanderings.

It strikes me that these two sets of commandments are shared in parallel to one another. It says to me: “to rest is simple. To prepare yourself to rest is hard.” The Israelites were asked to put great effort into every detail of the creation of their holiest site. Without the proper environment, one cannot reasonably expect to rest, to pray, or to look inward.

At camp, we are always aiming to enhance every detail of our space as well. One goal we strive toward each summer is to provide an environment which is conducive to growth, introspection, and rest. The care our community has for the physical space of camp is inspiring – from the generous gifts of a revamped amphitheater or renovated farm, to the simple act of a young camper noticing a piece of trash on the ground and taking a brief detour to the trash bin. We are grateful for and proud of both the space we share, and the community which cares so deeply for it.

Max Nozick, Program Associate