In this week’s parsha, Parashat Vayeshev, we begin the story of Joseph and his brothers, and some of the challenges that each of them faced as they navigated their complicated relationships. Throughout the parsha, there is a strong recurring theme of resilience and determination. Joseph, and many people who he encounters on his journey, face significant obstacles in their paths – yet, instead of giving up, they continue forward, working with what they have to better their situations and themselves.
The idea of maintaining optimism and confidence in the face of a roadblock is one that fits beautifully into the experiences a summer camp provides. Capital Camps provides a space for children to test new skills, face new challenges, and make new mistakes. Through it all, campers are learning to be resilient, to continue to push themselves to grow despite the obstacles. Capital Camps turns road bumps that may have once hindered a child’s growth into learning opportunities and launchpads.
As Joseph found himself sold into servitude by his brothers, he took stock of his situation. Instead of giving up on himself, he worked hard to earn himself a position of power and respect as the Pharaoh’s dream interpreter. Likewise, campers facing challenges – losing a game of cards, not getting the lead role in the camp show, navigating unfamiliar social situations – practice resilience and take advantage of these opportunities for growth.
Joseph’s story impresses upon us that we have a great strength within us – an ability to stay confident through setbacks. Capital Camps is proud to provide an environment that actively fosters that strength.
Max Nozick, Program Associate